XIII Tome 19 : the day of the Mayflower
Yves Sente, Iouri Jigounov
- Cinebook
- Characters
- 8 Janvier 2015
- 9781849182218
Someone is intent on making XIII's life «interesting» again.
After all his adventures across the American continent, after defeating his many enemies, XIII is trying to live a simple life in the house he inherited, where it all started. It's not always easy-not everyone is happy to have such an infamous man in the area, and his skills are in high demand with some people of varying integrity. His memories are still locked away, too, and some people want to keep it that way.
XIII is hiding in France at the Préseaus, after a past more nebulous he even believed possible caught up to him again. But the organisation that's after him hasn't said its last word, and has considerable means at its disposal. It lures Jones, on duty in Afghanistan, into a terrible ambush, for the sole purpose of serving as bait for the amnesiac - who immediately rushes to her rescue. Meanwhile, Betty Barnowsky-Préseau is off to Maine to dig into XIII's past...
Correspond au tome 21 français : l'appât.
Alpha Tome 1 ; the exchange
Iouri Jigounov, Pascal Renard
- Cinebook
- Characters
- 21 Août 2008
- 9781905460595
Assia Donkova is a young Muscovite, idealistic and very attractive. As manager of an art gallery, she visits Paris museums and exhibitions in search of new Western talents. In front of a Monet work one day, she meets painter Julian Morgan. Very quickly the young woman falls under his spell, and they meet again. But is Julian only an aspiring painter? Why does he spy on Assia's slightest moves? And what are the mysterious appointments Assia keeps? Russian mafia and powerful financial organizations are at the centre of a diabolical machination... one that could eventually present grave danger to the new global balance...
This two-volume book includes «The Bogdanov Clan.»
XIII Tome 22 : the martyr's message
Yves Sente, Iouri Jigounov
- Cinebook
- Characters
- 24 Mai 2017
- 9781849183499
Jason has managed to give his captors the slip, but he was forced to leave Betty behind, severely injured. After a short but tense episode dealing with the north-eastern mafia, he's off to the next step in his quest: Leiden, Holland, from where half of the Mayflower expedition left, and where his godfather appears to live. But his enemies haven't given up, and the young local guide he's picked brings her own heap of troubles...
XIII Tome 26 : Cuba, Where It All Began
Yves Sente, Iouri Jigounov
- Cinebook
- Characters
- 26 Octobre 2023
- 9781800441187
Un homme gravement blessé s'échoue sur une plage. Amnésique, tout ce qui lui reste pour retrouver son identité est un mystérieux tatouage : XIII. Le second cycle d'une série d'aventure légendaire qui compte déjà 25 tomes !
Après l'épouvantable attentat du capitole, la Fondation Mayflower, maintenant dirigée à part entière par Janet Fitzsimmons, a réussi à prendre le pouvoir aux Etats-Unis. Et Jason McLane, devenu une marionnette contrôlée électroniquement, est à la fois le mari de Janet, et l'un des conseillers les plus proches du nouveau président. Quand il part pour Cuba afin d'exfiltrer un hacker russe qui aidera à la réélection de ce dernier, XIII ne se doute pas des nouveaux bouleversements qui l'attendent ... -
XIII Tome 23 : Jason McLane's inheritance
Yves Sente, Iouri Jigounov
- Cinebook
- 16 Août 2018
- 9781849184052
Un homme gravement blessé s'échoue sur une plage. Amnésique, tout ce qui lui reste pour retrouver son identité est un mystérieux tatouage: XIII. Le second cycle d'une série d'aventure légendaire!
Toujours en compagnie d'Annika, Jason McLane consulte un spécialiste afin de déchiffrer les documents qu'il a redécouverts en Hollande. Les textes, une fois traduits, offrent des révélations époustouflantes, de nature à changer toute la carte géopolitique. Mais les tueurs de la Fondation Mayflower sont toujours à leurs trousses, et en Afghanistan, Jones et Carrington tombent de Charybde en Scylla. Pour sauver leurs peaux - et la sienne - XIII devra jouer serré ... et le prix à payer sera peut-être élevé. -
A document has surfaced, listing the names of American citizens who had shady dealings with the secret police of former East Germany. The CIA sends Alpha to escort its owner and his family, but some of the implicated people are influential and have a long reach, while other countries see in the list an opportunity to blackmail potential agents within the higher spheres of US power. It is a mission that will definitely not be a pleasure cruise.
Alpha Tome 2 ; wolves'wages
Iouri Jigounov, Pascal Renard, Mythic
- Cinebook
- Characters
- 7 Mai 2009
- 9781905460861
The fall of the Berlin Wall and the dismantling of the Soviet empire changed the world, engendered new rivalries and started a new kind of Cold War. From Paris to Moscow, from Berlin to The Hague and New York, mafia hotshots, ex-members of the Nomenklatura, powerful financial and industrial organisations, and spies from all sides are involved in a political and economic war - and the stakes are high. Alpha, a CIA agent, has taken it on himself to fight this endemic greed and corruption - even when he has to fight his own bosses.
La Guerre Froide : l'age d'or des espions américains et soviétiques, un temps où tout était simple et direct. Il y avait les bons et les méchants. Depuis, les officiers de la CIA comme Alpha se sentent souvent plus des représentants de commerce que des agents secrets. Mais quand les cadavres commencent à s'accumuler à Washington, une mission qui consistait à jouer les guides touristiques pour une délégation russe se transforme soudain en quelque chose de bien plus dangereux.