Elton John
Farewell Yellow Brick Road : Souvenirs d'une vie en tournée
Elton John
- Michel Lafon
- 14 Novembre 2024
- 9782749959382
Sortie mondiale : le livre de la légendaire tournée d'adieu d'Elton John.
Les fans auront droit à une visite des coulisses, pour découvrir toutes les facettes de ce spectacle qui a fait le tour du monde : les costumes légendaires créés par Gucci, les décors et bien plus encore. Au fil des concerts, Elton remonte le temps et revient sur les moments clés de sa vie en tournée et du début de sa carrière, tout en partageant ses costumes cultes, des images jamais vues jusqu'ici et des objets de collection. Rejoignez Elton dans cet adieu à une carrière hors-norme.
Multi-récompensé, Elton John a vendu plus de 300 millions de disques à travers le monde. Il arrive en tête des artistes solos du classement Billboard des plus grands artistes de tous les temps et c'est le plus prospère des artistes solos masculins de l'histoire du TOP 100 Billboard des singles avec neuf n°1 et vingt-neuf titres dans le TOP 10. Elton consacre son temps à un grand nombre d'oeuvres caritatives, dont la Elton John Aids Foundation qui a levé plus de 565 millions de dollars depuis sa création en 1992. Il est marié à David Furnish avec qui il a deux fils.
Dans cette célébration flamboyante écrite par l'icône elle-même, Elton John nous raconte ses souvenirs préférés, les moments inoubliables et les secrets d'une tournée d'adieux qui a battu tous les records. -
Elton John : un nom, une légende vivante. De ses débuts à sa gloire planétaire, sa carrière est à l'image de sa vie : extraordinaire. Aujourd'hui, pour la première fois, il se raconte et nous fait vivre son incroyable aventure, avec ses moments les plus fous et les plus déchirants. Né dans la banlieue londonienne de Pinner, le petit Reginald Dwight se rêve très tôt un destin de pop-star. Il se réalise lors de son tout premier concert aux Etats-Unis sous les yeux d'un public stupéfait par sa combinaison jaune canari, son T-shirt étoilé et ses bottes aux ailes dorées. Elton John est né, et le monde de la musique ne sera plus jamais le même. Des premiers refus essuyés avec son parolier Bernie Taupin à son ascension fulgurante dans les charts ; de ses amitiés avec John Lennon, Freddie Mercury et George Michael à sa rencontre avec la reine d'Angleterre qui l'anoblit ; de ses tentatives de suicide à son addiction à la drogue, tenue secrète, et dont il mettra plus de dix ans à se libérer, ces pages retracent le parcours hors du commun d'une des dernières rock stars du siècle. Elton John est aussi un homme engagé : dans ce livre, il parle très ouvertement de sa désintoxication et de la création de la fondation contre le SIDA qui porte son nom. Il évoque sa rencontre du grand amour en la personne de David Furmish, ses vacances avec Versace et l'enterrement de Lady Diana. Et il revient sur l'instant précis où il a voulu devenir père, au risque de bouleverser à nouveau sa vie. Passionnant, débordant d'humour et profondément émouvant, Moi vous embarque dans un voyage en tête à tête avec une légende vivante.
Peter Hujar curated by Elton John
Peter Hujar, Elton John
- Dap Artbook
- 15 Novembre 2022
- 9781881337232
A legendary musician's intimate vision of a great photographer's profound, exquisitely somber oeuvre.
Bringing together the sensibilities of two remarkable artists, Peter Hujar Curated by Elton John provides striking proof of how one artist's eye can shed light on another. Though known worldwide as one of the most revered performers of our era, Elton John is also a seasoned collector of photographs, with an acute and personal understanding of Hujar's achievement.
Through a selection of 50 photographs, the book presents a wide-ranging survey of Hujar's career. John writes: "Hujar's humanity, depth and sensual insights aren't for everyone, and don't need to be, but once his pictures get into your bloodstream they are impossible to shake." The publication includes works spanning nearly two decades, featuring portraits of Hujar's eclectic circle of friends, his landmark nudes, atmospheric landscapes, portraits of performers (Stevie Wonder, Peggy Lee and Edgar Winter) and a moving image of the artist with his mother.
Peter Hujar (1934-87) was born in Trenton, New Jersey and moved to Manhattan to work in the magazine, advertising and fashion industries. He documented the vibrant cultural scene in downtown New York throughout the 1970s and 1980s, photographing artists, musicians, writers and performers. Hujar died of AIDS in 1987.
Elton John (born 1947) is one of the most enduringly successful solo artists of all time. In 1992 he founded the Elton John AIDS Foundation, which funds programs to end the AIDS epidemic. Since the 1990s he has avidly collected photography. In 2016, Tate Modern organized the exhibition The Radical Eye: Modernist Photography from the Sir Elton John Collection. -
B>'The rock memoir of the decade' Daily Mail/b>br>b>/b>br>b>'The rock star's gloriously entertaining and candid memoir is a gift to the reader' Sunday Times/b>b>In his first and only official autobiography, music icon Elton John reveals the truth about his extraordinary life, which is also the subject of the smash-hit film Rocketman. The result is Me - the joyously funny, honest and moving story of the most enduringly successful singer/songwriter of all time./b>br>b>______________/b>Christened Reginald Dwight, he was a shy boy with Buddy Holly glasses who grew up in the London suburb of Pinner and dreamed of becoming a pop star. By the age of twenty-three, he was performing his first gig in America, facing an astonished audience in his bright yellow dungarees, a star-spangled T-shirt and boots with wings. Elton John had arrived and the music world would never be the same again.His life has been full of drama, from the early rejection of his work with songwriting partner Bernie Taupin to spinning out of control as a chart-topping superstar; from half-heartedly trying to drown himself in his LA swimming pool to disco-dancing with the Queen; from friendships with John Lennon, Freddie Mercury and George Michael to setting up his AIDS Foundation. All the while, Elton was hiding a drug addiction that would grip him for over a decade.In Me Elton also writes powerfully about getting clean and changing his life, about finding love with David Furnish and becoming a father. In a voice that is warm, humble and open, this is Elton on his music and his relationships, his passions and his mistakes. This is a story that will stay with you, by a living>b>______________/b>b>'Self-deprecating, funny . . . You cannot help but enjoy his company throughout, temper tantrums and all' The Times/b>b>'Racy, pacy and crammed with scurrilous anecdotes - what more could you ask from the rocket man' Guardian (Book of the Week)/b>br>b>/b>br>b>/b>b>'Chatty, gossipy, amusing and at times brutally candid' Telegraph/b>
The Sunday Times bestseller with a new chapter bringing the story up to date. ''The rock memoir of the decade'' Daily Mail ''The rock star''s gloriously entertaining and candid memoir is a gift to the reader'' Sunday Times In his first and only official autobiography, music icon Elton John reveals the truth about his extraordinary life. Me is the the joyously funny, honest and moving story of the most enduringly successful singer/songwriter of all time. ______________ Christened Reginald Dwight, he was a shy boy with Buddy Holly glasses who grew up in the London suburb of Pinner and dreamed of becoming a pop star. By the age of twenty-three, he was performing his first gig in America, facing an astonished audience in his bright yellow dungarees, a star-spangled T-shirt and boots with wings. Elton John had arrived and the music world would never be the same again. His life has been full of drama, from the early rejection of his work with songwriting partner Bernie Taupin to spinning out of control as a chart-topping superstar; from half-heartedly trying to drown himself in his LA swimming pool to disco-dancing with the Queen; from friendships with John Lennon, Freddie Mercury and George Michael to setting up his AIDS Foundation. All the while, Elton was hiding a drug addiction that would grip him for over a decade. In Me Elton also writes powerfully about getting clean and changing his life, about finding love with David Furnish and becoming a father. In a voice that is warm, humble and open, this is Elton on his music and his relationships, his passions and his mistakes. This is a story that will stay with you, by a living legend. ______________ ''Self-deprecating, funny . . . You cannot help but enjoy his company throughout, temper tantrums and all'' The Times ''Racy, pacy and crammed with scurrilous anecdotes - what more could you ask from the rocket man'' Guardian (Book of the Week) ''Chatty, gossipy, amusing and at times brutally candid'' Telegraph
Farewell Yellow Brick Road is a full-color celebration of Elton John's record-breaking, globe-spanning farewell tour-from the first show in Allentown, PA in 2018, to the final show in Stockholm in 2023. Featured concerts include Elton's dazzling performances at Los Angeles' Dodger Stadium in November 2022, the finale of which streamed live on Disney+. Fans will be treated to a behind-the-scenes glimpse into every aspect of these spectacular shows, including Elton's legendary touring wardrobe by Gucci, the set design, official tour photography, and more.
On this epic visual journey, Elton reaches back in time to reflect on key moments from his life on the road and to reminisce about the beginning of his career. Readers also get a rare glimpse at Elton's personal archive of posters, sketches, and never-before-seen photographs and postcards. A poignant foreword by David Furnish, Elton's husband and manager, as well as the tour's creative director, rounds out this incredible insider's look. Join Elton on his remarkable, career-affirming farewell. -
Elton John est un survivant. Il en prend conscience dans les années 80 alors que la plupart de ses amis artistes meurent les uns après les autres d'une maladie alors mal connue et objet d'autant de préjugés que de répulsion. Pourtant il continue à vivre comme avant : excès de drogue et de sexe... Dans ce livre très émouvant, Elton John se livre pour la première fois. Sa remise en question démarre en 1985 alors qu'il accompagne Ryan White, jeune malade du Sida, tout au long de son agonie. Il est témoin de l'ostracisme dont sont victimes ces malades et décide de se battre contre lui. En 1990, il commence une cure de désintoxication dont il narre les souffrances, en sort six mois plus tard et ne replongera jamais plus dans les excès du passé... Rapidement, il crée sa fondation, l'EJAF Elton John Aid Fondation et parcourt le monde pour soutenir les organismes qui aident les malades. Pour lui, ce fléau n'est pas une épidémie comme les autres : c'est une maladie de la misère et de l'indifférence qui touche les plus démunis et les plus faibles. Et quand on vit dans un pays qui condamne l'homosexualité comme la Thaïlande, l'Ukraine, l'Afrique du sud, l'Inde... où l'homosexualité n'est plus un crime que depuis 2009 , l'absence de compassion, la crainte de la condamnation sociale et familiale font plus de mal encore que le virus lui-même. Avec son bâton de pèlerin, Elton John va réussir à sensibiliser les gouvernements. Mais son indignation touche aussi les laboratoires qui profitent de la recherche publique pour créer leurs médicaments et l'Église catholique qui est longtemps restée opposée à l'usage des préservatifs. Aujourd'hui, l'EJAF a levé des fonds supérieurs à 275 millions de dollars et est active dans 55 pays mais le combat doit continuer. Le sida frappe 34 millions d'hommes avec un million et demi de morts chaque année et reste la sixième cause de mortalité dans le monde. Traduit de l'anglais par Jean-Marc Simard
The fantastical story of Sir Elton John's life, through his influential and enduring partnership with his songwriting collaborator Bernie Taupin.
Rocketman, an epic musical fantasy from Paramount Pictures, Marv Studios and Rocket Pictures, stars Taron Egerton (Elton John), Jamie Bell (Bernie Taupin), Richard Madden (John Reid) and Bryce Dallas Howard (Sheila Eileen).
Rocketman is written by Lee Hall (Billy Elliot, War Horse) and directed by Dexter Fletcher (Eddie the Eagle).
This is the official book of the movie and features on-set and behind-the-scenes photos, quotes and more. -
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Elton John
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- Music Sales
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- Hal Leonard
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